
peter burrows headshot

Dr. Peter Burrows, Superintendent of the Milton Public Schools

Contact:; 617-696-4808/09

It is with great excitement that I join Milton Public Schools! The clear commitment of the Milton community to support our schools and our students has been palpable to me over the last months during my visits. I, too, am committed to the work of continuing with excellence, while addressing where we are falling short. As Milton’s superintendent, I will lead with transparency, clarity, and collaboration to create the best experience for our students. There is great capacity in Milton, with a strong leadership team, exceptional staff, and a committed community. The last years have been challenging both locally and globally, and we carry considerable strength in Milton to respond to the challenges and build forward to address learning loss and reimagine what’s possible. I believe that all students can learn at a deep level, and am absolutely committed to lead towards access, success, and belonging for all students.

Dr. Peter L. Burrows is the Superintendent of the Milton Public Schools. He was the Superintendent of the Addison Central School District from 2013-2023. He has worked in education both locally and internationally since 1990, serving as teacher, high school principal, and superintendent. He holds a Doctorate in Education Leadership from the University of Oregon and a master's degree from the School for International Training.

MPS Priority Report

Please take a moment to read Dr. Burrows' March update to the community with links to the comprehensive Priority Report (also linked here on our website and in Google drive). Please take a moment to review the report to get a sense of what the Milton community has shared this year and where we see our work starting to coalesce in the future. 

Superintendent Burrows' Entry Plan can be found here or by clicking on the pages below. His pre-entry page can be found here.