English Lanuage Arts
Cat DesRoche , Preschool-8 Literacy Director
H Hardie, Grades 9-12 English Department Head
Milton has and continues to engage in the analysis and improvement of literacy rates and resources for all students and teachers.
In the Milton Public Schools, we have strong values surrounding the idea of literacy instruction. Central among these values is the idea that consistent, quality instruction with high expectations is the most equitable thing we can do for all students. Along with high-expectations, we provide strong levels of support to students who need it in order to scaffold success in growth and achievement.
For further information about the programs, timelines, or instructional approaches, please access the links below. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Cat DesRoche (cdesroche@miltonps.org), PS-8 Literacy Director or H Hardie (hhardie@miltonps.org), Grades 9-12 English Department Head with questions.