Data Privacy

As we know, Milton Public Schools seeks to ensure the protection of the privacy of students attending the Milton Public Schools in a manner consistent with the Federal Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), Children’s Online Protection Privacy Rule (COPPA), and Massachusetts student records regulations. Strategies have been implemented at both the District and School levels to ensure student privacy is protected.

Three years ago MPS joined the Massachusetts Student Data Privacy Consortium (SDPC). The technology department submitted a list of over one hundred applications staff identified as applications used in classrooms and we shared this with the SDPC. The SDPC attorneys reached out to all of the third-party businesses asking them to sign an agreement stating that they are COPPA (specific to children 13 and younger) and FERPA compliant and follow the Massachusetts student record regulations.

The SDPC has provided MPS with a working database that shows all of the applications we submitted and indicates whether or not the company signed an agreement. Here is the link to the MPS SDPC Database. Students are not allowed to log into any site that does not have a signed Data Privacy Agreement with MPS.

Student Data Privacy - Educational Links

US Department of Ed. - Protecting Student Privacy

Protecting Student Privacy

Student Privacy 101: FERPA

Educators Guide to Student Data Privacy

Common Sense Media - Privacy Evaluations

SDPC - A4L - Student Data Privacy Consortium

About SDPC

FERPA - Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act


COPPA - Children's Online Privacy Protection Act

Children's Privacy - Federal Trade Commission

COPPA Update for Families

COPPA Regulations - 2012 Update


2012 FTC Chairman Note

Keeping up on COPPA

An Educators Guide to COPPA - Video