Back to School Forms

Each year, we ask families to complete a Back to School Form for each student in PowerSchool. To complete the form, please log in to PowerSchool and navigate to FORMS, then click GENERAL FORMS, and then click YOUR SCHOOL - BACK TO SCHOOL 24-25.

You will be asked to attest to the following:

  • Have you read the Handbook linked on your school's website? Please take some time to review.

  • Have you read the Digital Use/Internet Use policies?

  • Do you give permission for my child’s directory information (name, address, phone, and email) to be disclosed to the Room Parent, PTO, Parks and Recreation Department, Milton Boosters and the Milton Foundation for Education?

  • Do you give the school permission to use photographs of your child in celebration of the efforts and enthusiasm during MPS special events or programs? (photos may be displayed in classrooms, on corridor bulletin boards, as part of individual projects, in local newspapers, or in school and district based family communications)

  • Do you consent to COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) policies?

If you do not complete the directory information portion of the back-to-school form, your child's information will NOT be included in any classroom directory that is sent out to families and will NOT be shared with the PTO for their communications.

EMERGENCY CONTACTS: It is also critically important that the Emergency Contacts portion of the Back to School Form is updated. In case of an emergency, we need to be able to readily access people trusted to help your child in the event we cannot reach you. Emergency Contacts are also those authorized to pick up your child in the event we cannot reach you. Please add anyone you would like to have authorized to pick your child up in this section.

Please complete these forms no later than Friday, September 13.