Welcome to Cunningham Elementary School
44 Edge Hill Rd
Milton, MA 02186
(p) 617-696-4285
(f) 617-698-3473
Email Dr. Jonathan Redden Here, Principal X2013
Email Mr. Andy Young Here, Assistant Principal/Curriculum Coordinator x2024
Email Mrs. Julie McGettrick Here, Administrative Assistant x2012
Email Ms. Kiyana Spaulding Here, Cunningham Nurse, x2017
Email Marti O'Keefe McKenna here, Family Outreach Liaison
Email Ms. Kathy LaPierre Here, Team Chair, x2014
Email Jayme Szymczak Here, Preschool Team Chair, x2028
Email Mr. John Muir Here Senior Building Custodianx2106
School Hours: 8:19-2:49
Early Dismissal: 12 pm
AM Preschool:
PM Preschool:
Full Day Preschool:
Curriculum Coordinators/Directors:
Email Mrs. Bernadette Butler Here, Preschool Coordinator
Email Cat DesRoche Here, PreK-8 Literacy Director
Email Mr. Brian Selig Here, K-12 Mathematics Director
Email Mrs. Christie Chiappetta Here, K-8 Science Coordinator
Email Mrs. Karen Hughes Here, Director of Fine Arts (Music & Art)
Email Mrs. Zeina Hamada Here, Director of World Languages
Central Office
Email Peter Burrows Here, Superintendent
Email Catie Blake here Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations
Email Regina Watts here, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning