
Collicot Elementary School

Welcome to the  Collicot Elementary School!

80 Edge Hill Rd
Milton, MA 02186
(p) 617-696-4282
(f) 617-698-3577

  • Mrs. Holly Concannon , Principal x2004

  • Ms. Ellen Lohan, Asst. Principal Curriculum Coordinator x2010

  • Ms. Joanne Barker, Administrative Assistant x2004

School Directory

Main Office


Special Education Chairperson/Adjustment Counselor

Mrs. Alison McGrath, Adjustment Counselor, x2001

Whitney Jablonki, Team Chair, x2030

School Nurse

Mrs. Lindsay Peterson, Nurse, x2015

Family Outreach Liaison

Marti O'Keefe McKenna, mmckenna@miltonps.org


Ms. Ellen Lohan, General Curriculum x 2010

Mrs. Zeina Hamada, World Languages 617-696-4470 x5532

Senior Building Custodian

Mr. John Muir  x2106